Suppose that this country is
gradually becoming a surveillance state. I won’t use this space to make that
argument. But if this country were moving in that direction, should we worry? And
how worried should we be?
Some people may not be too
alarmed by the fact because, after all, the events of 9-11 showed that there
are terrorists conspiring to do harm to the United States, and one of their strongest
advantages is secrecy. And many Americans espouse the view “I’ve got
nothing to hide.” These are reasonable positions to hold.
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Enjoy your Flight |
I will begin with a quote attributed
to Cardinal Richelieu: “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most
honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.” Now, this quote is evocative and witty, but
what does it mean in concrete terms? There is an implication that a Machiavellian
individual – and the Cardinal certainly fit that description – may desire to coerce
or do harm. And by exposing even an honest man’s secrets, coercion and harm can
be done.
As Bernard Knox observed, there
was a time when one could come under suspicion for being a premature anti-fascist. How
is such a thing possible? “Could there
be anything such as a premature antidote to a poison? A premature antiseptic? A
premature antitoxin?” Knox proceeds to explain. The term “premature
anti-fascist” was invented by the FBI, and it was a code for “suspected
communist.” Long before the people of Great Britain and the United States
recognized the truth about Adolf Hitler, there were a few avant-garde or ahead of the
curve anti-fascists who also happened to be (in many cases) communists (source).
Thus, because members of the FBI
were unrefined in their thinking, they carelessly lumped “people who were anti-fascists
before 1939” and “communists” in the same category. With the benefit of
hindsight, we are able to forgive and even look kindly on people who recognized
the evil of fascism. However, back then, people were guilty by association if they
stood for things that communists also stood for, like opposition to fascism or (as
it happens) support for labor unions.
The thing about suspicion is
that it leads to something that psychologists refer to as confirmation bias. In
this context, it means that an FBI agent who suspects a person of being a
communist will be particularly attentive to any information that tends to
support this hypothesis, and ignore information that does not support this
Envision, if you like, the
police detective who latches onto one crime suspect and ignores other suspects. We know
that sloppy police work, particularly when combined with a zealous prosecution,
can land innocent people in prison.
At this point, I will suggest
that the phrase “I’ve got nothing to hide” presupposes that law enforcement
officials are infallible. The FBI agents who assumed that “anti-fascist” meant “communist
sympathizer” were less astute than the premature anti-fascists that they were
We’ve all heard stories about
missteps that have occurred since 9-11. For a while, no one who had an
Arab-sounding name could expect to board a plane in an American airport without
being harassed. All of a sudden, there was a “no-fly list,” and from time to
time, people who happened to share the same name as a person on the list might
find themselves shut in a small room with a surly TSA agent.
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Mikey Hicks: Terrorist? |
The TSA has called it a myth
that there is an 8 year old boy on the no-fly list. This is technically
accurate. Mikey Hicks, a decorated Cub Scout, is not on the no-fly list. Instead,
he is on a lengthier “selectee list,” and the TSA is under instruction to
carefully scrutinize people named on the list, and the TSA and airlines have
the latitude to prevent people named on the list from flying. As a result,
Mikey has been denied a seat on a plane, and has been subjected to invasive
pat-downs (source).
These mistakes by law
enforcement are sometimes harmless. Sometimes these mistakes cause perfectly
innocent people to miss a flight, despite having done nothing of a suspicious
nature. And there have been a few occasions in which these mistakes have had
deeply disturbing consequences. Mr. Maher Arar was taken into custody at an
airport despite the fact that there was no evidence whatsoever that he was
guilty of any crime and no evidence whatsoever to warrant so much as a
reasonable suspicion. He did not benefit from the due process of the law, and
was sent overseas to be tortured for 10 months before it came to someone’s
attention that there had never been a valid reason to detain him (source).
There are also times when one
wonders if it is truly a matter of mistakes in judgment. In the 1970’s,
President Nixon authorized surveillance of college students who protested the
Vietnam War. People who opposed the war or who supported civil rights were
deemed to be communist sympathizers. The government position at the time was to
suppress and criminalize dissent.
With the fall of the Soviet
Union, smearing people with the label “communist” has lost its cachet. But now people can be smeared
with the label “terrorist.” The federal government has declared the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front to be terrorist
organizations, and if you were to support either of these organizations you
yourself would be considered a terrorist (source).
Evidently, the term “terrorist” can be applied to any organization that seeks
to operate outside the legal system. ALEC-sponsored proposals seek to define as
“terrorist” activities such as trespassing on factory farms for the purpose of
photographing animal cruelty (source).
The term “terrorist” has been
applied to the organization known as Anonymous
despite the fact that members of the group are guilty only of hacking into
computer networks and the occasional downloading of copyright restricted materials.
Once, this might have been called “civil disobedience.”
Maybe you believe that the term “terrorist”
should be used sparingly to refer to the use of violence against human beings
to promote a political agenda – but that would be your opinion, and not the
opinion of your government. And the implication is this: what people may need to hide from the prying eyes of government is dissent - or even the appearance of dissent. And once citizens become fearful of the consequences of attracting the attention of their government, tyranny has been achieved.
During the height of the Occupy Wall Street protests, the FBI was
actively engaged in surveillance of non-violent protesters. Officials from the Department of Homeland Security
discussed strategies for how to intrude upon First Amendment-protected peaceful
protests. Two of these strategies include raising the suspicion that criminal
activities are occurring within the protests, and raising the suspicion of
The Federal Reserve in Richmond appears to have had personnel
surveilling OWS planning. They were in contact with the FBI in Richmond to “pass
on information regarding the movement known as occupy Wall Street.” There were
repeated communications “to pass on updates of the events and decisions made
during the small rallies and the following information received from the
Capital Police Intelligence Unit through JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) (Source).”
Surveillance, the sharing of
personal data on protesters, and the coordination of government law enforcement
activities occurred in so-called “fusion groups” in which the guidance of
bankers and private security firms was sought. Documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests
revealed that “The Memphis FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force met to discuss ‘domestic
terrorism’ threats, including, Aryan
Nations, Occupy Wall Street, and Anonymous.”
An interesting thing about involving
the private sector in law enforcement activities is that, although government
law enforcement are required to operate within the limitations of the 4th
Amendment, private interests are not. Many Americans operate under the
impression that their bank accounts and emails are private, but in the eyes of
the law, any information that passes into the hands of third parties such as
banks, credit card companies, or Internet Service Providers is no longer
private. Employers are free to monitor the computer activity of their employees
and operate surveillance devices.
Communists did not defeat this country and terrorists cannot
do so. It is as Abraham Lincoln said: “America will never be destroyed from the
outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed
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