To mark the occasion of Woodrow Wilson's inauguration in 1913, exactly a hundred years ago, this post will touch on his life and times. And some attention will be given to what might have been.
During the campaign for the 1912 presidential election, Woodrow
Wilson contended with three rivals: incumbent William Howard Taft, a
Republican, Eugene Debs, a socialist, and Theodore Roosevelt, one-time
president and member of the Bull Moose Party. One of the key issues driving the
election was how to respond to the extreme concentration of wealth into the
hands of a few oligarchs. The American people had witnessed, during the Panic
of 1907, a stock market drop of 50%, a wave of bankruptcies, and a dramatic
rise in unemployment and understood that the reckless behavior of the oligarchs
was largely to blame. J.P. Morgan was at the heart of the disaster, but he is remembered
for having later stepped in to alleviate the crisis.
As novelist Owen Johnson described the months leading up to
the panic, “A period of swollen prosperity had just ended in which Titans had
striven in a frenzy for the opportunity had spilled before them.” And “The
public, which understands nothing of the secret wars and hidden alliances of
finance, had begun tremulously to be aware of the threatening approach of a ...
Both Wilson and Roosevelt described themselves as “progressives.”
As progressives, they opposed the
growing concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, but did not favor the
radical solution (nationalization of industry) offered by the socialists.
Wilson's plan to combat the concentration of wealth was to
institute the Federal Reserve, with the idea that the Reserve could act to
limit the concentration of wealth by influencing interest rates and the money
supply, and imposing capital reserve requirements. The move to establish the Federal
Reserve was known then as the Aldrich Plan, and had been written with the secret
cooperation of Morgan Bank and other Wall Street oligarchs. Having the benefit
of hindsight, we know how well this idea has worked.
Roosevelt advocated for a federal commission to regulate
monopolies by closely monitoring their accounting practices, forbidding
excessive profit-taking and imposing rules for hours, wages, and working
conditions. He believed that “the enslavement of the people by the great
corporations . . . can only be held in check through the expansion of
governmental power.”
Some historians believe – and I am inclined to believe –
that Wilson’s presidency did not serve the country well.
Wilson sponsored the Espionage
and Sedition Acts, prohibiting interference with the draft and outlawing
criticism of the government, the armed forces, or the war effort. Violators
were imprisoned or fined. Some 1,500 people were arrested for violating these
laws, including Eugene V. Debs, leader of the Socialist Party. The Post Office
was empowered to censor the mail, and over 400 periodicals were deprived of
mailing privileges for greater or lesser periods of time (source).
After a series of labor strikes, race riots, and anarchist
attacks, Wilson supported the deportation of left-wing activists, raids on
political groups, and the arrest of thousands. Wilson’s “legacy of repression
lasted for decades”; his administration’s violation of civil liberties would
provide a precedent for McCarthyism in the 1950s (source).

Why did Roosevelt lose? There are likely several reasons. For
example, the Bull Moose Party lacked
the organization of the democratic and republican parties. The republican vote
was divided between Roosevelt (a former republican) and the incumbent Taft. I
will suggest that another factor in Roosevelt’s defeat was his outspoken
support for women’s suffrage.
After the election, Wilson bowed to political pressure and
began supporting the suffrage movement. But in 1912, he was known as the man
who said that the prospect of universal suffrage is “at the foundation of every
evil in this country” and confessed to experiencing a “chilled, scandalized
feeling” whenever he saw a woman speak in public, and saw the place of women as
“supplement [to] a man’s life (source).”
Obviously given his views on the subject, Roosevelt had
little political support from anti-suffragists. Despite his legendary machismo,
in campaign literature he was presented as effeminate, dressed in women’s
clothing, obsequious before the demands of detested blue-stockings. These
depictions suggest a sexist mentality at play. It is sobering to think that the
reactionary beliefs of sexist men might have had a role in the outcome of the
election, and a grim testament to the fact that we get the government we
Please visit here
for a related post on suffragists.
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