If we regard certain recent events as forming a pattern,
there is ample cause for alarm. Lately, the American people have been reminded
of the fact that our military has engaged in torturing prisoners of war. We
have seen that police officers in numerous states have taken it upon themselves
to slaughter civilians on the mere suspicion of guilt, or as a reflex response
to real or imagined dangers to themselves posed by unarmed teenagers. We have
also seen the militarization of the police, where with increasing frequency
officers who clearly cannot be entrusted with side-arms are being equipped with
assault rifles, tear gas, and armored tanks. Abroad, it has become routine for
members of our military to kill individuals merely on the basis of suspicion
that they may be involved in terrorist conspiracies, and time and again, the
poor judgment of drone operators has caused the death of children, members of
wedding parties, and other innocents.
It is important to dig a little deeper into the Founders’
thinking with respect to the connections among brutality in
law enforcement, orders to military personnel to engage in
torturing and murdering innocents, class
struggle, and tyranny.
Now, it is obvious that the Founders would have objected to
these developments. They saw first-hand the abuse of military power by the British
Empire, and crafted a Constitution that enshrined ideals such as the presumption
of innocence and due process. Cruel and unusual punishments are explicitly
banned. Moreover, the Founders left us with numerous warnings of the dangers
inherent in a standing army. Specifically, there is a danger that an armed force
can be used to crush political dissent, and the mere existence of this
potential will embolden corrupt political leaders to embrace despotic rule.
It is important to dig a little deeper into the Founders’
thinking with respect to the connections among brutality in law enforcement, orders
to military personnel to engage in torturing and murdering innocents, class
struggle, and tyranny. One tyrant whose name was familiar to the Founders was
Draco. The expression “draconian punishment” is an allusion to him. This tyrant
had decided to punish nearly every criminal offense with death.
A founder by the name of James Wilson used the example
of Draco to argue that in a Republican government where Liberty is honored,
punishments ought to be mild. Mr. Wilson wrote, “The laws, which Draco framed
for Athens, are said emphatically to have been written in blood. What did they
produce? An aggravation of those very calamities, which they were intended to
Wilson reasoned that the continued application of harsh
punishment will, in time, “introduce and diffuse a hardened insensibility among
the citizens; and this insensibility, in its turn, gives occasion or pretence
to the farther extension and multiplication of those penalties. Thus one degree
of severity opens and smooths the way for another, till, at length, under the
specious appearance of necessary justice, a system of cruelty is established by

Likewise, one defense expert believes that “al-Qaida is
gaining strength in Pakistan, is stronger in Iraq than it was three or four
years ago and is stronger in Syria than it was a year or two ago (source).”
In another article, it is asserted that:
Drone strikes are causing more and more Yemenis to hate
America and join radical militants; they are not driven by ideology but rather
by a sense of revenge and despair. Robert Grenier, the former head of the
C.I.A.’s counterterrorism center, has
warned that the American drone program in Yemen risks turning the country
into a safe haven for Al Qaeda like the tribal areas of Pakistan — “the Arabian
equivalent of Waziristan” (source).
It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the so-called War
on Terror is intended only to suppress a population that has been taught to
hate us. As such, this war cannot end until the United States fails to maintain
control. We saw this in the British occupation of India. We saw this in the
U.S. occupation of South Vietnam. We are seeing this in Iraq and Afghanistan. It
was a lesson that the Roman Empire learned millennia ago.

Wilson’s insight appears to describe the current situation
we face in the United States. And, in closing, it is of particular interest to
see what that great historian Plutarch had to say about the political situation
that led to Draco’s ascendency:
At that time … the disparity between the rich and the poor
had culminated, as it were, and the city was in an altogether perilous
condition; it seemed as if the only way to settle its disorders and stop its
turmoils was to establish a tyranny. All the common people were in debt to the
rich. For they either tilled their lands for them, paying them a sixth of the
increase … or else they pledged their persons for debts and could be seized by
their creditors, some becoming slaves at home, and others being sold into
foreign countries (source).
And it also bears noting that Solon, who replaced Draco with the charge of correcting his predecessor's excesses, immediately granted mortgage amnesty, to eliminate the serfdom of the many at the hands of the few. Today, we still associate the name "Solon" with wisdom.
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