In previous posts, I’ve attempted to shed light on what the
Founders intended when they ratified the 2nd Amendment. Some people
believe that the 2nd Amendment applies only to “organized militias”;
other people believe that the 2nd Amendment guarantees that every
American has the right to own a gun. I will admit to a bias in favor of the
former interpretation, but further investigation – as well as insightful
comments from readers of the New
Independent Whig – has inspired me to adopt a more circumspect position.
In the wake of the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown,
Connecticut, many Americans have become more fervent in their desire to place
some sort of restriction on gun ownership. Other Americans have noted this
movement and have become more fervent in their desire to defend their right to
bear arms.
The result has been yet another repetition of the poisonous, partisan spirit of our times. Advocates of gun control mock and belittle the views of gun rights advocates, and gun rights advocates have churlishly thumbed their nose at their opposition by parading about town wearing assault rifles.
The result has been yet another repetition of the poisonous, partisan spirit of our times. Advocates of gun control mock and belittle the views of gun rights advocates, and gun rights advocates have churlishly thumbed their nose at their opposition by parading about town wearing assault rifles.
In truth, gun rights advocates deserve recognition. Unlike the
stupefied masses, they understand that we are no longer living in the
Republican society that the Founders envisioned. Instead, we are living in what
the Founders would consider a tyranny.
Proposition: The
United States is a Tyranny
Richard Price drew a contrast between good government and
tyrannical government in these terms: "Legitimate government ... as
opposed to oppression and tyranny, consists ‘only in the dominion of equal laws
made with common consent, or of men over themselves; and not in the dominion of
communities over communities, or of any men over other men.’” In more
contemporary language, tyranny may be viewed as domination: that is, “the
ability to arbitrarily interfere in the affairs of others without being
constrained by their interests or stated preferences (source).”
And a good society is that in which non-domination prevails.
If you believe any one of the following statements
to be true, then you also believe that the United States is a tyranny by the
standards of Classical Republicanism:
(1) Wall
Street financiers and CEOs have a greater influence over government policy than
ordinary working Americans,
(2) Government
agents, by spying on law-abiding Americans, will eventually create an environment
in which Americans can no longer and should no longer feel at ease when
exercising their freedom of speech whether they are lawfully protesting or communicating
by phone or by Internet,
(3) Political
leaders break their campaign promises with impunity, with no explanation, and
no shame,
(4) The
American people are compelled to pay taxes but have little say over how the
money is spent,
(5) Leaders
in Washington prosecute rash, expensive, and unproductive wars in foreign lands
and do so without the consent of the people.
Tyranny does not refer solely to the actions of government.
If, in a society, some are armed and others are not, the armed members of
society can tyrannize the unarmed members of society. Granted, all Americans
could arm themselves, but if this were to happen, the more skilled marksmen
would prevail over the less skilled; the more callous would prevail over those
who hesitate before firing; those who band together in mobs would prevail over
those who prefer a solitary life.
![]() |
Vigilantism |
By attending to Zimmerman’s own words, we can safely
conclude that he had alternatives -- other than the use of lethal force – that
would have ensured his own safety. If he had simply notified the police of a
suspicious person and left it to them (and he did call the police and the
police did say to leave the matter to them), the outcome would have been very different.
Zimmerman's Account
Some have speculated that race may have been a factor. Had Martin been white instead of black, walking along a street in this gated Florida community, he might not have aroused Zimmerman’s suspicions and, even if he had, Zimmerman might have been less frightened and less likely to pull a gun. Again, these are matters of speculation. It is very likely, though, that Zimmerman would have been less aggressive in his surveillance activities or in his verbal confrontation with Martin if he did not have a gun in his possession, and it is certainly the case that Martin would be alive today.
The death of Martin is assuredly an instance of vigilantism.
Zimmerman acted as judge, jury, and executioner and denied Martin’s right to the
due process of the law. Vigilantism is the tyranny of one man over another. Lest
we forget our history, there was a time when southern lynch mobs executed
people found guilty of belonging to an abolitionist movement. Vigilantism is as
dangerous to the welfare of the American people as a tyrannical government.
The Founders’ Idea of
a Militia
The Founders did not advocate a form of government that
would encourage vigilantism. Instead, they ratified a Constitution that
prescribes the due process of law and the right to a jury of one’s peers. They envisioned a society in which the rights
of life, liberty and property were ensured. This is not the same as a society
in which these rights are tenuous and are only sustained for as long as
citizens can keep up an armed defense against those who would seek to take
their lives, liberties, or property.
The meaning of “well-regulated militia” is not well defined
in the Constitution. However, a case may be made that there was a common
understanding among 18th century Englishmen of what the term meant. According
to one historian,
A militia which derived from the Latin miles and the old English and French milice indicated ‘the obligation of every able bodied Englishman to
defend his country.’ It implies the obligation that all citizens … have to
serve in the armed forces of their nation. In the American colonies the
transition was made from English common law to the law of the colonies. The federal Constitution made certain that
any national obligation did not preclude service to the state which was primary
and original. Initially the enrolled militia (or organized militia) included
those select or specially trained militia enlisted by the colonies or states.
Early select and enrolled militia were occasionally called Trained Bands. The minutemen of New England were select or
enrolled militia (source).
Cesare Beccaria was among the authorities esteemed by the
Founders. He believed, “A government of citizens, where the commonwealth is
equal, is hardest to be conquered [because] ... such citizens, being all
soldiers, or trained up to their arms, which they use not for the defence of
slavery, but of liberty, [are] ... the vastest body of a well-disciplined
militia, that is possible in nature.” This implies that members of a militia
have some form of military training and discipline. James Madison described
militia members as being “trained to arms.”
In the various state constitutions there are also references
to military knowledge and military discipline. In Virginia’s Bill of Rights, a
well-regulated militia is said to be “composed of the body of the people,
trained to arms (source).”
In Benjamin Franklin’s revisions to the Pennsylvania Declaration of Rights
(1776), he wrote that “the People have a Right to bear Arms for the Defence of
themselves and the State, and as standing Armies in the Time of Peace are
dangerous to Liberty, they ought not to be kept up: And that the Military [i.e.,
militia] should be kept under strict Subordination to, and governed by, the
Civil Power.”
Simeon Howard, writing in Boston in 1773, said that a
militia was, “the power of defense in the body of the people . . . [that is], a
well-regulated and well-disciplined militia. This is placing the sword in hands
that will not be likely to betray their trust, and who will have the strongest
motives to act their part well, in defence of their country.” This implies that
there is some means by which local authorities can decide which citizens can be
entrusted with the responsibility of bearing arms.
In the U.S. Constitution itself, the term "militia" is defined: “The Congress shall have Power . . . To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.” [Article 1, § 8.]
In the U.S. Constitution itself, the term "militia" is defined: “The Congress shall have Power . . . To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.” [Article 1, § 8.]
It is clear, then, that militia members were expected to
be well disciplined, trusted, and of sound judgment. By discipline, what is
meant is the kind of training that enables a person to remain in control over his
or her emotions during threatening situations, and not shoot in a moment of
panic or doubt. This training would instruct the militia member on the evils of
vigilantism and the virtues of a society that is ruled by laws enacted by the American
people. These are appropriate
qualifications for anyone who is to be entrusted with lethal weapons and – by
implication – the responsibility for deciding when it is appropriate to use
lethal force. (The interested reader may wish to read of a historical incident in which the militia were dispatched against vigilantes here).
The Supreme Court
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre of 1929 refers to the
gang-related deaths of 7 men. Submachine guns were used to commit this crime,
and public outrage led to the enactment of the National Firearms Act, which required that automatic weapons,
sawed-off shotguns, and other potent weapons be registered at a federal agency.
The law was protested and the case eventually made it to the Supreme Court.
In the Miller vs.
United States decision of 1939, the court decided to uphold the National
Firearms Act, and explained the intent of the 2nd Amendment as
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws
of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing,
arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as
may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States
respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training
the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress (source).
The Miller decision pointed to several legal cases from the
1780s in which the nature of a militia was discussed. The Virginia General
Assembly required that, in a militia, “Every officer and soldier shall appear
at his respective muster-field on the day appointed, by eleven o'clock in the
forenoon, armed, equipped, and accoutered.” This indicates that the militia is
an organized body of men. A subsequent decision, Lewis vs. United States, upheld the Miller decision: “the Second
Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have some
reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated
militia (source).”
The District of
Columbia vs. Heller decision of 2008 dismissed the Miller decision on the basis that it did not provide an explication
of the 2nd Amendment. As noted in a previous post, the Heller decision is tainted by the fact
that gun industry interests influenced the outcome. It certainly violates the
principle of stare decisis.
Violators of this principle are sometimes accused of “legislating from the
Tyranny: A Reprise
There is a strong case to be made that the 2nd
Amendment’s “well-regulated militia” referred to an organized body of men,
under military discipline, and answerable to the state. The National Guard is a
modern-day equivalent of a militia, and it is safe to conclude that the 2nd
Amendment guarantees National Guard members the right to bear arms. I remain,
however, skeptical of the idea that the 2nd Amendment provides an unconditional
individual right to gun ownership.
The U.S. Constitution, as originally written, denied the
federal government the power to maintain a standing army, and if our goal is to
recall the wisdom of the Founders, the advisability of allowing the federal
government to keep a standing army is worthy of fresh consideration. This is particularly
true in light of the misuse of the standing army by recent administrations. I support
the Whiggish principle that the National Guard should be answerable only to state
government, and be protected against federal abuses of power.
Concerning the question of what Americans ought to do in
response to the tyranny that our government has become, the Founders provide an
example to follow. The Founders did not entertain the idea of armed revolution
until every effort had been made to persuade the Crown to recognize the rights
of colonists as British subjects. Community leaders assembled to deliberate on
the issue of British abuses of colonists’ rights, consulted the law, and
eventually arrived at a carefully-reasoned, detailed list of complaints. They
printed educational pamphlets. They petitioned the Crown. They organized
boycotts. They created a democratic process of electing leaders to represent
their cause. This work required patience and a commitment of time, money, and
effort. It required leadership. The Founders are worthy of our veneration
because they behaved in a conscientious manner: they did not ignore the reality
of tyranny, nor did they resort to mob tactics, nor did they content themselves
with Jeremiads.
The modern, NRA-inspired reading of the 2nd Amendment
is at odds with the example set by the Founders. Instead, this modern reading, “...
takes social disunity as a given. It empowers people to respond to that
disunity not by building new consensus, but by shooting those who would
threaten them. In other words, the new mythic landscape [i.e., how the 2nd
Amendment is now perceived] fundamentally assumes that a world of violence and fragmentation
is inevitable (source).”
Hi Agis,
ReplyDeleteI find your use of primary and secondary sources to prove your points fantastic. It is always a pleasure to read your essays, and I am glad we share many points of view particularly with respects to the Founders' understanding of arms rights. This was an excellent read, thanks!
All the best,
Well done.
ReplyDeleteThere are other aspects of the ongoing response to Sandy Hook that need to be considered. The use of fear to appeal to emotions rather than intellect would be one.
It is interesting that so many people who identify politically as "libertarian" or "Tea Party" seem to lack ANY critique of the NRA at all.
In its response to Sandy Hook, the NRA has called upon the nation to act NOW (without further thought or debate) to militarize all schools in the United States under a "National School Shield" program lead by the NRA. Further, the NRA has called upon Asa Hutchinson to lead this initiative. Hutchinson is a former undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who oversaw the implementation of new border initiatives under the secretive SPP (the Security and Prosperity Partnership that Lou Dobbs dubbed the "North American Union" or NAU).
The SPP spawned the "Fortress North America" concept, where the borders of Canada, USA, and Mexico would be pushed to the coastline, defended by further military integration and interoperability of the participating countries, while the traditional borders would be streamlined for increased trade (read resource extraction from Canada, and labour exploitation in Mexico). The democratic process of these three countries would be subverted by corporate interests for financial gain using omnibus bills and/or "in-council" provisions (which can provide broad powers to government ministers in Canada). 9/11 was their basis of legitimacy for taking action. The borders were shut down for days during that crisis, and thanks to the JIT (just in time) model of production, manufacturing plants were crippled.
With the rise of the new security concept under the SPP, Hutchinson and his buddies (including former CIA) created "Fortress America Inc." (now Fortress International Group) - a private equity company whose goal was to corner the "Homeland Security industry" market by buying up as many companies involved in it as possible. This is part of a trend in profiteering from the "post-9/11 reality" (have a look at the CIA's equity firm: In-Q-Tel). Hutchinson was once a registered lobbyist for the security industry and likely stands to gain financially should the NRA get its way.
Many self-described "Tea Party" folks were all over the anti-democratic SPP/NAU, so why aren't they attacking the NRA for getting into bed with the DHS and the corpo-profiteers who stand to gain from an increased police state?
A great, and well-balanced, post!
ReplyDeleteI have been redirected here following a comment on some work of mine that you might be interested in reading
On the militia system:
On why American libertarians are hostile to the draft:
On military service:
Keep up the good work!
White Rabbit