This will not be an impartial discussion of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt’s legacy. I will not give credence to historical revisionists who
have sought to cast doubt on the role he played in salvaging the American economy
after a disastrous decade of reckless speculation. The fraudulence of those
revisionist arguments has been dealt with elsewhere. And
little need be said about the claim that FDR caused the Great Depression – an argument
that only holds up if FDR had a TARDIS in his possession. In this post, I aim
merely to praise some of the ideas he articulated.
The Four Freedoms
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt |
On January 6th, 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
delivered a State of the Union address. In this address, he urged an
isolationist Congress to respond vigorously to Nazi imperialism. He prepared
the country for the prospect of war. Thirdly, in stating the four
freedoms that members of a democracy enjoy, he clearly articulated the
differences between American values and Nazi ideology, and defined the basis
for United States engagement in world affairs.
Today, the four freedoms are only a footnote in the history
books, but they are more relevant than ever. In the 1940’s, the four freedoms
provided a positive moral justification for America’s entry into a second world
war. Also, the four freedoms singly and collectively constitute a line in the
sand: if a free people are to remain free, they must not permit their
government to cross it.
Unfortunately, the rhetorical excesses of partisan politics
are such that nearly every prominent American politician has been accused of leading
the country toward fascist dictatorship. As a result, warnings of the threat of
Nazism now appear excruciatingly trite and implausible.
It is a mistake to assume that tyranny always assumes the
garb of Nazi fascism: the tactics of achieving dictatorship exhibited by the
Nazis were implemented by the professed communist Josef Stalin in the former
U.S.S.R. and by others in the past, notably King Charles I of England (source).
The transition from representative government to tyranny does not require the
spectacle of Nazis goose-stepping down Main Street. In many cases, the mass of
ordinary citizens remain unaware of the change.
I. Freedom of Speech
and Expression
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Nazi Book-Burning |
As noted in the website of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, “One of the first
steps in the creation of the Nazi police state was the elimination of dissent.
Opponents of Hitler's regime, including liberals, socialists, Communists, trade
unionists, and intellectual dissidents, were imprisoned in concentration camps.
The first permanent camp was at Dachau, a small town near Munich (source).”
II. Freedom of Worship
When pastors openly disagreed with Nazi policies, they were
arrested and imprisoned (source). More
ominously, perhaps, the Nazis co-opted religion and compelled church leaders to
support the Nazi cause. In Mein Kampf,
Hitler said, upon reflecting on the use of religion in the Roman Empire, “by
employing religious force in the service of its political considerations, the
crown aroused a spirit which at that outset it had not considered possible.”
III. Freedom from
The Nazis, after physically segregating Jews within the
Warsaw ghetto and other walled-off communities, pursued a policy of deliberate
starvation aimed to deny food to “unnecessary mouths.” Years earlier, over 1
million Armenians starved to death as part of a deliberate, genocidal policy
enacted by the Ottoman Empire. And today, the people of North Korea starve while
their leaders revel in their luxurious appointments.
IV. Freedom from Fear
After being democratically elected in 1933, Adolf Hitler
immediately began to conspire to seize tyrannical power over the people. When a
mentally disturbed Dutch citizen set fire to the Reichstag, a house of parliament, it set into motion the following
Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels,
presented the incident as the prelude to an armed Communist uprising and
persuaded the aging President Paul von Hindenburg to establish what became a
permanent state of emergency. This decree, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree,
suspended the provisions of the German constitution that protected basic
individual rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and
freedom of assembly. The decree also permitted increased state and police
intervention into private life, allowing officials to censor mail, listen in on
phone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant or need to show
reasonable cause. Under the state of emergency established by the decree, the
Nazi regime could arrest and detain people without cause and without limits on
the length of incarceration (source).
Freedom of Speech and
Expression Today
FDR approvingly quoted Benjamin Franklin, who said, “Those
who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.” A different temperament prevails in the
United States today. Tarek Mehanna is currently serving a 17 year sentence for
translating an Al Qaeda text into English. As explained by Andrew March, who
attended the trial,
The centerpiece of the government’s case against Mr.
Mehanna’s speech activities was a translation of a text titled 39 Ways to Serve and Participate in Jihad
The witness, in reporting this event, was unsettled by the
outcome. As a scholar specializing in Islamic law, Mr. March himself has
occasion to translate texts and videos creates by members of jihadi groups. Thus,
we see the corrosive effect of the desire to “purchase a little temporary
safety.” If this trend is left unchecked, the Orwellian prospect of Americans
being convicted of thought crimes is
not far off.
Freedom of Worship
FDR saw the role of religion in this light: “religion, by
teaching man his relationship to God, gives the individual a sense of his own
dignity and teaches him to respect himself by respecting his neighbors (source).”
He also said,
We are a
nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions-bound together by a
single unity, the unity of freedom and equality.
Whoever seeks to set one nationality against
another, seeks to degrade all nationalities.
Whoever seeks to set one race against another
seeks to enslave all races.
Whoever seeks to set one religion against
another, seeks to destroy all religion.
racial and religious voting blocs are the creation of designing politicians who
profess to be able to deliver them on Election Day. But every American
citizen—realizing how precious is his right to the sacred secret ballot—does
scorn and will scorn such unpatriotic politicians. The vote of Americans will
be American—and only American (source).
To reiterate, FDR believed that the carving out of religious
voting blocs is a cynical tactic used by politicians to increase their own
power. He believed, moreover, that the politics of division is contrary to
Judeo-Christian values (or indeed the values of any of the major world religion).
Today, it appears that Americans have succumbed to clannish sentiments, and
prefer to view social relations in terms of “us versus them.” When organized religion
and politics become interwoven, it is to the detriment of both.
It has been argued, persuasively, that the meaning of religious freedom has been perverted and
has come to mean religious privilege.
For example, when adjunct professors at St
Xavier’s University sought to unionize, the university administration
sought to block this effort on religious grounds. According to the
administration, religious freedom means exemption from regulation by the National Labor Relations Board. A
similarly secessionist impulse motivates the American bishops’ collective
efforts to dictate which health care benefits
they are willing to provide their non-Catholic employees (source).
Freedom From Want
Roosevelt, during a 1940 re-election campaign, reminded the
American people of the years leading up to the Great Depression.
Back in the
20's, in the years after the last World War, Americans worked and built many
things, but few of our people then stopped to think why they were working and
why they were building and whither they were tending.
Those were the days when prosperity was
measured only by the stock ticker.
There were the factory workers forced to labor
long hours at low wages in sweat-shop conditions. They could look forward to no
security in their old age. They could look forward to no insurance during
periods of unemployment.
Roosevelt also reminded the American people of how the crash
came to pass.
There were
millions of workers, unable to organize to protect their livelihoods, unable to
form trade unions.
There were the small businesses of the Nation,
threatened by the monopolies of concentrated wealth.
The savings of the many were entrusted to
supposedly great financiers, who were to lose those savings in fantastic
adventures of giant holding companies and giant investment trusts.
Roosevelt placed the blame squarely on the American
plutocrats who held enormous and concentrated wealth. The same class of
Americans who have not been asked to
bear their fair share of the tax burden in the late “fiscal cliff” bargain (source).
Historical data are consistent Roosevelt’s analysis. In the 1920’s, an unprecedented
share of the national wealth was held in the hands of a very few. After the crash
of 1929, and after the country emerged from the Great Depression, there was a
long period of economic prosperity and low income inequality (for a chart, go here).
Freedom from Fear
It’s recently been reported that, ever since the events of
9-11-01, the federal government has authorized the use of a system called ThinThread, which gathers data from
American citizens’ emails, phone calls, credit card payments, and Internet
searches and maps the data in a way that permits warrantless examination by
nameless individuals (source).
Thus, it would probably be unwise of me to use this space to sing the praises
of Al Qaeda were I inclined to do so (as it happens, I am not). The
whistleblower who revealed this wholesale violation of Americans’ First and
Fourth Amendment rights received, by way of thanks, an FBI raid on his home.
Complete, one may assume, with body-armor, automatic weapons, and all-black
In Seattle, local police have been granted approval to
operate camera-laden surveillance drones (source).
It could be argued that law-abiding people have nothing to fear from this new
policy. However, in other countries, even the most innocuous public surveillance
awakens pangs of dread. When Google decided to introduce its Street View
camera-equipped cars in Germany, it aroused an unprecedented wave of protest (source).
This could be chalked up to paranoia. Or maybe the Germans have learned a lesson
from history that privacy is too precious to give away.
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