On June 5, 1970, President Nixon met with FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover, CIA Director Richard
Helms (famous for his failed plan to assassinate Fidel Castro), and the
heads of the NSA and the Defense Intelligence
Agency to discuss a proposed new domestic intelligence system. Nixon
claimed to believe that “hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Americans —mostly
under 30 — are determined to destroy our society.” He expressed frustration at
the fact that these varied intelligence agencies were more concerned with
maintaining operational independence and protecting their “turf” than with
uncovering agitators attempting to stir up a domestic insurrection.

The plan authorized the
surreptitious reading of private mail, lifted restrictions against
surreptitious entries or break-ins to gather information, authorized the
placement of covert informants on college campuses, and established anew, White
House-based, “Interagency Group on Domestic Intelligence and Internal
Security.” When advised by Huston that parts of this plan were clearly illegal,
Nixon responded that he did not want to be informed of the activities
undertaken under the auspices of this new agency.
W. Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI, later called Huston “a kind of White House gauleiter over the intelligence community.” The term gauleiter refers to a party line
enforcer controlling a political district, specifically during the Nazi regime
(the reader should be reminded that this comparison to Hitler was made several
years before the imposition of Godwin’s Law. It should
also be noted that, given his ferocious
anti-Semitism, comparisons between Nixon and Hitler might not be as tenuous
as one might think). Mr. Felt would later be revealed as the informant Deep
Throat (not to be confused with Deep Throat), whose leaks were
critical in mobilizing an investigation into the illegal activities of
President Nixon.
Within days, J. Edgar Hoover confronted Huston and insisted
that his agency would not conduct covert activities against law-abiding
Americans without the president’s express authorization. Hoover either resented
encroachments on the FBI’s turf or recognized the risk of becoming the
scapegoat should the illicit activities be exposed. The Huston Plan was scrapped, days after it was authorized.
Regardless of the failure of the short-lived Huston Plan, Nixon administration
officials ordered members of the FBI and other agencies executed the plan to
break into the homes of friends and family members of suspected anti-Vietnam
War activists. Law enforcement agents followed these instructions, without
warrants, in order to uncover any evidence of wrong-doing. Mark Felt would
later be imprisoned for his role in directing FBI agents to break into the
houses of American citizens to conduct extrajudicial investigations.
W. Mark Felt (right) aroused President Nixon’s wrath. Nixon advised
Alexander Haig, “Everybody is to know that he is a goddamn traitor and just
watch him damned carefully.”
Mr. Felt once commented to his daughter, “I guess people used to
think Deep Throat was a criminal, but now they think he's a hero (source).”
In 1973, CIA Director James Schlesinger reviewed CIA
surveillance operations against U.S. citizens. He found numerous of instances
of illegal CIA surveillance operations against U.S. citizens going as far back as the
1950’s, including break-ins, wiretaps, and the surreptitious opening of
personal mail. However, the earlier surveillance
operations did not directly target U.S.
citizens. Instead, the operations were focused on “suspected foreign
intelligence agents operating in the United States.” This had changed during
the Nixon administration. As Schlesinger discovered, the CIA was focusing its
illegal surveillance efforts against antiwar protesters, civil rights
organizations, and political “enemies” of the Nixon administration.
The lessons of the Nixon Era amply demonstrate the truth of
James Madison’s statement, “All men having power ought to be mistrusted.” And
perhaps more to the point, “It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at
home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from
P.S. With respect to the question, "is there evidence that the apparatus of government is being used TODAY to harass peaceful protestors who have committed no crime?" please refer to the following links: ALEC protests, fracking, Occupy Wall Street, agri-business protests. To see "protesting Keystone XL" defined as "terrorism," go here.
The preceding essay draws extensively from entries
located at the History Commons,
except where noted.
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